
Alarmotive is an app that helps users stop hitting that snooze button get motivated to complete their tasks.
UX Design, UI Design, Interaction Design

Problem Statement

Time is important to us. That’s why we have been measuring it since ages. Alarm clocks remind us about the time for a particular purpose. We generally use them on our mobile devices to wake up in the morning. How useful the alarm clock is, depends on our willingness to get up and start a productive day. But are we all so motivated in life? Can our alarm clocks also motivate us to wake up everyday day?

My Role

This project was done for Fynd on a very strict deadline so I had to do all the User Research, UX and UI.

Project Duration

Feb 2021

How to Motivate?

Goals are very closely linked to motivation, so both long and short-term goals help keep you moving through your different types of study in preference to other activities (which might be more enjoyable and therefore equally or more motivating)